Introducing… Hello Circles!

Sounds pretty cool, right?! What are Hello Circles?

Hello Circles are coaching groups designed to bring people together in supportive community around shared life experiences. Circle facilitators are licensed mental health professionals who will offer psychoeducation and skills to navigate life circumstances.

Circles are a wonderfully cost effective way to work on your mental health with the guidance of a licensed professional.

Please note that our circles are not group therapy and do not target specific diagnoses nor provide psychological treatment.

What types of coaching groups do you offer?

We are currently offering four different circles targeting licensed therapists, working moms, university students, and people dealing with chronic pain. We know that managing many different hats can make it difficult to find balance, know what steps to take next, and maintain the motivation to keep progressing…that’s why we created these groups to help guide you through these experiences! Wondering if you would benefit from one of these coaching groups? Check out the info about each group below!

Therapist Helping Therapists Circle

Being a mental health professional can be exhausting! And being exhausted can lead to burnout, compassion fatigue, and make it hard to “switch off” and enjoy your life outside of work. You spend tons of time helping and advocating for your clients but who is helping you? This group creates a supportive environment for mental health care workers to focus on themselves, lift one another up, and better weather the unique stressors of life as a therapist. Learn more…

Mothers Seeking Balance Circle

Today’s society has placed impossible expectations for working mothers to be a parent who has good connection with their family, thrive in their work environment, and stay sane as a human. As we become mothers we seem to lose our sense of identity and forget about our own needs, desires, and dreams. This group will provide strategies, tools and community to help combat the expectations and guilt we as mothers feel to take control and create balance and inner peace. Learn more…

Stress Management University Circle

Stress levels are at an all time high with students trying to manage their social and professional lives during a pandemic. Being a student and managing all of the things is already difficult and with a pandemic added it's almost impossible! Stress can physically and emotionally affect our body and daily lives. This circle will focus on building resilience, identifying and taking care of your needs, and creating a sense of community. Learn more…

Peace with Pain Circle

Living with chronic pain can be emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausting. Chronic pain can also contribute to low mood, high anxiety, and isolation. This group is designed to help people living with chronic pain find a sense of relief with a supportive community and help focus on their aspirations, dreams and goals instead of their pain. Learn more…

Who leads these coaching groups?

Rebecca Carelock, MS LPC leads our Hello Circles groups. Rebecca’s therapeutic orientation is humanistic at the core. She provides clients a safe and non-judgmental place to help them process their thoughts and feelings. She has a passion for helping clients with anxiety, chronic pain, depression, eating disorders, emotional dysregulation, identity crisis, self-esteem, substance use, and trauma. She helps clients by assisting them in creating a new chapter in their life that aligns with their wants, needs and aspirations. She is excited to bring these groups to populations that she has a passion for and is experienced with!

Want to learn more or sign up to join one of the Hello Circles?

Check out the link below for more in depth details on each Hello Circle!


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