If you're like me, you're probably pretty anxious.
And perfectionistic.
And REALLY good at it.

Being tightly wound and anticipating disaster has served us well (ish). We have an edge to see all of the pitfalls before they happen. We are driven to prepare, and over-prepare, and re-prepare again. Unless we get the inkling that we can’t do a perfect job…then we AH VOID.

We do it all or we do none of it. But which is it? Are we excellent or failures?

How can we absolutely SHINE in some areas and fall so miserably short in others?

And why does the shine wear off so freaking fast? Why can’t we just be perfect?

Our perfectionism serves as a mask to hide the fact that we only feel worthy when we excel. Which we often do, or at least used to. 

We can only take a breath once everything is “just so.” Those moments are So. Very. Fleeting. 

Then we find ourselves back in the ugly cycle. Thinking. Planning. Preparing. Analyzing. Before it happens. While it’s happening. After it already happened.

We narrow in on the micro moments and overanalyze the hell out of them.

If we get the requisite amount of “atta girls” and everything went smoothly, then maybe we can feel peace. Then we wake up and start all over.

A woman with long dark hair and glasses wearing a coral suit is sitting and smiling indoors.

Dr. Bailey C. Bryant

A group of six people sitting on a striped rug in a bright room, having a discussion. They are seated on chairs and a couch around a white round coffee table with a plant on it. One person has a laptop open.
A woman wearing glasses and a coral blazer is sitting in front of a brick wall with a laptop.

Here’s the thing: Most therapists will help you identify and challenge those anxious thoughts. They will encourage you to avoid “black and white thinking” and encourage you to believe that you are “good enough.” And that does help.

But something even more powerful is sitting with someone who gets it because they live it.

Someone who recognizes the power in the anxiety and perfectionism and doesn’t try to just make it go away. Someone who helps you understand where it came from, how it helps, how it hurts, and how to accept and love on the rough parts. 

I can’t turn you into a “not anxious person” who doesn’t care about what other people think of you. I can help you ease up on yourself, though. To soothe the parts of your brain and body that get so worked up, and even bring a little humor to it. I can support you to not beat yourself up when you screw up, and to not feel like the world is caving in when your imperfections show. We can rail at the patriarchy and the impossible demands that we face and then find our way back to our power.

I can be in the “suck” with you and remind you that it’s all going to be ok and you are already enough–even when you don’t feel like it.

I’m here to help you access your inner quiet and wisdom. Together, we can zoom out from all the fear and take root in the “trust.” Whether you call it your intuition, Wise Mind, Higher Self, Best Self, connection to God, Universe, or to Source, I’m here to help you magnify it. 

I wouldn’t be where I am today without my beautiful, anxious brain. I also couldn’t have fallen in love with my brain and held so much space for my flaws if it weren’t for my own experiences in therapy and learning to connect with my innate wisdom. Let’s find those things that help you get more in touch with your “knowing” and be less driven by the “fearing.” Whether that’s meditating, praying, hypnosis, yoga, journaling, using crystals, reading your natal chart or pulling cards, I’m here for it. 

It’s time we get to work.

Workplace Wellness

I came into the world of workplace wellness after becoming very unwell because of my workplace. So unwell that I left my agency job to start my own practice and build a healthy environment from the ground up.

I needed to break the mold, shatter the myths about productivity and work-life balance, and prove to myself and others that it is possible, and even profitable, to run a business that prioritizes people.

I started Hello Mental Health in 2016 and it is my testing ground. Our company is constantly iterating. Meeting to dream, to give and receive feedback, to have uncomfortable conversations, and to start and end initiatives. We are not, and will never be, a finished product. What we are is a group of people who are committed to walking the walk of creating a healthy workplace at every level.

Now I work with founders and leaders to support them and their team to develop a culture of prioritizing mental health in the workplace and mitigating against burnout. If you are ready to amp up your workplace wellness journey, I am ready to help. 

Recent Speaking Engagements: Paycor; Kroger Wellness Festival; Startup Cincy; P&G Global Business Dev Team; Goering Center; SCORE; Recurring speaker for SoCap Accelerate

FAQs about Dr. Bailey Bryant

Woman in a coral suit sitting on a chair against a brick wall background, smiling and wearing glasses, with a plant nearby.
  • Doctorate of Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) from Xavier University

    APA Accredited Internship at the Colorado Institute of Mental Health at Fort Logan

    Postdoctoral training at the St. Aloysius Forensic Evaluation Services Center

    Staff Psychologist at Summit Behavioral Healthcare

  • Anxiety
    LGBTQ folx
    Women’s Issues

  • Clinical Hypnosis
    Positive psychology
    Spiritual integration

  • I was a college athlete and love pretending I’m still an athlete. I did my first Savage Race last summer and had a blast even though I was SO sore afterward in muscles I didn’t know existed.

    I’ve ridden a motorcycle for 10 years but don’t ask me any technical questions about my bike because I’m clueless about all things mechanical

    I’m a serial hobbyist and my current obsession is resin crafting. I’ve made so many sparkly trinket dishes that I have no use for. But they’re so dang cute!

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