10 tips and tricks to start meditating

As the Zen proverb goes, “You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day, unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.” Well, that is a solid aspiration, but, we may not all get there in quite that way. And that’s okay. Here are a few tips and tricks that may help you start to discover your breath, slow down and encourage focus throughout your day. 

  1. Don’t get hung up on how to breathe, rather focus on breathing in a way that is naturally comfortable to you. There is no wrong way to breathe. The slowing and deepening will likely happen naturally (no need to force it)  as you bring bare attention and make some space to slow it down from time to time. 

  2. In the shower, stop and smell your bath products prior to using them with a full deep breath. Fully observe the temperature of the water and the smell goods of the shower experience.  

  3. As you are drinking your morning coffee, attempt to savor it for at least 3 sips. Focus on how it warms your hands, take in a few deep breaths of the aroma, make the act of drinking your coffee as slow and lovely as possible.

  4. Spend 1 leg of your daily commute in silence or listening to music with no human vocals. The practice is to remove unnecessary stimuli and distraction from your experience from time to time. Get comfortable with the silence. Start with 5 minutes and grow from there as it makes sense to you. 

  5. Download a meditation app or use some freely available guided meditations on-line. Instead of a bathroom break (or in addition), complete a brief guided breath exercise at your desk. Or step away from your desk, put in your ear buds, and do it while walking the hallways around your office for 5 minutes.  

  6. Linger in a desired hug for 2 seconds longer than your natural impulse to stop the embrace… or maybe allow the hug to last for a full complete breath cycle. Actually be present for the embrace and complete it. No half hugs! If you don’t want to hug, no biggie. Be mindful and practice honoring that notion instead. Take a deep breath before or after you decline the approach.    

  7. Play with slowing down your movement from time to time. Walk a bit slower between tasks. Talk a bit slower when responding to someone. Allow yourself to think slower. Use your breath to buy some extra seconds or minutes. Consider non response or a delayed response as a valid option.  

  8. Before you leave your car, take 3 slow, intentional breaths. Or do the same before starting your car. 

  9. While walking your dog, no multitasking. Give yourself permission to make this your break too. Take a moment during your walk to appreciate your animal, be playful, take some deep breaths, observe what is around you. Don’t bring your phone and no problem-solving or planning allowed.  

  10. Breathwork at bedtime. Don’t count bottles of beer, or your worries. Practice shifting your attention to your breath, counting inhales and exhales, until you drift into sleep. If you lose track of the number, just start over at 1.

Please reach out if you’d like my support with stress management or to learn more about offered therapy services.


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